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Indonesian Navy Eyeing Russian Submarines

Info informasi Indonesian Navy Eyeing Russian Submarines atau artikel tentang Indonesian Navy Eyeing Russian Submarines ini semoga dapat bermanfaat, dan menambah wawasan. Selamat Membaca! Jangan lupa dishare juga! Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat juga untuk orang lain.

AFB - The Indonesian military (TNI) chief Gen. Moeldoko, confirmed that TNI is studying the possibility of strengthening its submarine fleet with Russian Kilo Class submarines.

"Currently we are still studying and calculating the plan to strengthen our defense in the water territory.

"It would be great if we could acquire the Kilo Class submarines, which have a long firing range of guided missiles," Moeldoko said here on Sunday.

The type of Kilo Class submarine named Kiloklav could hit a target as long as 400 kilometers away from sub-surface to surface.

Earlier the Navy chief of staff Admiral Marsetio said a navy technical team would be sent to Russia to study a submarine offer.

Indonesia will also acquire three units of submarine from South Korea to add to the two units the navy already has at present.

One of the two units is the 209 class type from Germany and the other one was from South Korea with almost the same type as the one from Germany.

The two submarines have been modified into combat management, which has greater attacking capability.

Meanwhile, the TNI is also awaiting the arrival of Apache helicopters from the United states. This type of military helicopters have been used only by a number of countries including the United States itself and Singapore.

TNI has also ordered a number of Leopard tanks which are considered among the best in the world.

From France and Britain ,Indonesia plans to import equipment for air defense system.

Moeldoko said he also wants that the TNI could have Sukhoi 35, the latest series of Russian Sukhoi fighter aircraft.

He said most of the types of war equipment are expected to be displayed at the armed force day in Surabaya on Oct. 5.

"This is to send a message that the president has taken a progressive step toward modernization of the Indonesia defense system," he said, adding "in ASEAN standard our defense equipment would be promising."

Marsetio said a technical team would leave for Russia in January, 2014 to study the Russian offer to sell submarines to Indonesia.

"Indonesia still need more units of submarine to strengthen our navy and protect the country's sovereignty from the sea," he said.

He said seas make up two third of the country's territory, therefore, ideally the country would need at least 12 units of submarine.

"If Indonesia is to buy the Russian submarines, the country would be the first in Asia to have kilo class submarines," he said.

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said currently negotiation is underway with Russia on the offer to sell kilo class submarines.

"We would prefer ones equipped with Club S guided missiles that could hit a target 400 kilometers away," Purnomo said.

Club S guided missile is launched from under the water surface to hit a floating target, he said.

"This type of war equipment is a killer missile which has a firing range of 400 kilometers," he added.

He said the units of submarine Indonesia wants to buy must be suitable for the country's eastern regions, which have deep seas.

He said Indonesia plans to build up to 40 units of guided missile speed boat (KCR) measuring 40-60 meters until 2024 to meet the navy's requirement in western part of the country.


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