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Kehidupan Anak dan Bapak Di Tulungagung Ini Sangat Memprihatinkan Karena Dilupakan Istrinya yang Bekerja Sebagai TKW di Malaysia

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Kehidupan Anak dan Bapak Di Tulungagung Ini Sangat Memprihatinkan Karena Dilupakan Istrinya yang Bekerja Sebagai TKW di Malaysia
Kehidupan Anak dan Bapak Di Tulungagung Ini Sangat Memprihatinkan Karena Dilupakan Istrinya yang Bekerja Sebagai TKW di Malaysia

Forex Nitty Gritty - Finally, a Forex Trading Course For Beginners!

Forex trading in the trading and investing world has become what Texas Holdem is to the poker world. It has exploded, with over $3.5 trillion being traded every day. Forex is a zero sum market. That means there are winners, and an equal number of losers. Generally, retail Forex traders like you and I are on the losing side. But educated investors CAN and ARE on the winning side.

The truth is, 95% of retail traders lose money in the Forex market. They get frustrated, try system after system, and still lose money. The market is full of gimmicks and "unbeatable" robots that will trade for you making you thousands overnight while you sleep. To be successful in Forex Trading, we have to become independent traders. We can't depend on some forex robot to trade our money for us in the hopes that we make thousands of dollars. We can't depend on other people to trade our money for us, like managed broker accounts. They get paid on the number of trades they make, not whether we are profitable or not. Bottom line is that nobody cares about our forex trading success and our financial well being as much as we do ourselves. Become an educated investor and trader, and you will be more successful.


People are flocking to Forex trading with the dream of the old California gold rush. Billions of dollars can be made, all you need to do is get your hands on some of it, right? But if it is so easy, and you can plug in a robot, or give somebody your money to trade for you, how come you are the only one to keep losing your money? You're not. Forex trading has become an industry for predators in search of prey. They sell you on gimmicks and get rich quick schemes. It all sounds great, especially for the low price of $97 - $247 on average. And you don't even have to work at it, or educate yourself, or spend any time at all on trading forex! Woooo hoooo!

One of the latest crazes to hit the Forex Market lately are these so called Forex Robots, or Automated Trading Systems. In a nutshell, you buy this program, install it, turn it on, and it makes you money without you having to know anything about forex trading at all. You can "double your account in 30 days" even while you sleep. No education. No work. You don't even need to know what Forex IS, much less how to trade it. Just buy this or that robot that will trade for you and make you thousands of dollars every month. A dream come true.

Well, robots don't work. If they did, those top banks and financial institutions certainly would be using them and not have fallen to financial woes. Beyond that, just so we can say this with authority, we have tested one of the biggest money making robots on the market today, FAP Turbo. It makes a LOT of money... for the guys selling it, not for the people buying it. Sure, some people make money with it. A blind horse is bound to find water ONCE in a WHILE, right?

However, if you want to do a little work, and educate yourself a little bit, and learn the proper way to trade Forex, then there is a new course on the market just for you. Forex Nitty Gritty is just that course.

30+ Year Trading Expert and Mentor Bill Poulos Creates Forex Nitty Gritty

Bill Poulos is a veteran trader with over 30 years of practical experience. He has helped and mentored thousands of investors make even more money in the market by teaching solid methods based on sound fundamental trading principles and methods.

All of his courses cost several hundred to several thousands of dollars, and WELL WORTH every penny. I myself have used his Forex Profit Accelerator course and obtained returns of 58% per month on average for the past 7 months. Yes, I can show you the actual broker trade data and prove it.

But he wants to help the beginning traders now. And he is mentoring Forex Nitty Gritty for only $97 at the time of this writing. In a personal phone discussion with him, he did tell me that one of the reasons was so that he can help teach people that are new to forex, or that haven't succeeded in forex, because he wanted to later sell them the more expensive advanced courses. (Hows that for honesty?). But I'll be honest here, his main goal is to keep people from making the basic mistakes that wipe out their trading account. Bill Poulos is passionate about helping people to learn and understand the Forex market, and to be able to trade it successfully. Yes, he likes the money his students give him. But he really doesn't need it. He has made a great deal of money trading, and mentoring people, and really has no need for more. He could retire this minute, very well off and never look back. But he WANTS to help people learn to trade successfully. So why does he charge so much for his courses? Because it gives the people learning them value and desire to learn. If he mentored people for free, those people just wouldn't care to learn as much. It's a fact. Scientifically proven. Not to mention that his time IS valuable, and he deserves a little something for giving 30+ years of knowledge to his students.

But Forex Nitty Gritty is different. It is an entry level course for new forex traders, or people that have been in the forex market and not been successful. People that have gotten ripped off by the gimmicks and robots and the unscrupulous "trainers" that really have no business taking peoples money. Bill knows exactly what causes failure in the markets, and he is teaching people that, and much more.


There are many things you must do, and many more you must avoid, in order to succeed in Forex trading. Bill Poulos teaches you them in Forex Nitty Gritty.

One of them is that you must focus on high probability, low-risk trades. Nothing more. This means you only take the trades that have the highest probability of being profitable, and the lowest risk of losing your trading account value. Generally this will cause you to have fewer trades, but they will be quality trades and generally more profitable. You will stop trading the less desirable trades that have a higher degree of moving against you. And that means you will win trades with higher profits than the losses you sustain. And yes, you will have losses. But the wins more than make up for that, making you profitable.

With Forex Nitty Gritty, you will only have to spend about 20 minutes a day trading. You will identify any new trades, and manage current trades. You will set entry prices, stop losses, and take profit orders. You will practise good money management rules that will increase your potential profit and lower your overall risk. And yes, it will only take you about 20 minutes a night.

Forex Nitty Gritty also includes optional daily videos that show various trade setups, to help you learn the market the right way. And videos teaching you the basics of forex, and forex trading. The Forex Nitty Gritty Insiders website has a lot of core information and training to help the new traders, or those of us that want to learn how to be more profitable.

Like I said, we tested FAP Turbo, and several other robots as well. And what we found out through our testing is that it doesn't work. Go ahead and review our testing of Fap Turbo, but don't buy it or any other robot unless you want to risk losing your account balance. Forex Nitty Gritty is not some lame automated trading system. It is a solid course with a great trading method that will help you learn Forex trading and be potentially profitable.

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