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Wow....."Bila Perut Bertemu Perut" Di Rakam..... Coba Lihat

Info informasi Wow....."Bila Perut Bertemu Perut" Di Rakam..... Coba Lihat atau artikel tentang Wow....."Bila Perut Bertemu Perut" Di Rakam..... Coba Lihat ini semoga dapat bermanfaat, dan menambah wawasan. Selamat Membaca! Jangan lupa dishare juga! Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat juga untuk orang lain.
Wow....."Bila Perut Bertemu Perut" Di Rakam.....
Wow....."Bila Perut Bertemu Perut" Di Rakam..... 

Forex Secret Tips No 11 - Successful Forex Traders Do These

What separates successful Forex traders from the rest of the pack? Why is it that only a mere 5% really make it in Forex trading? How did these traders do it? While all successful Forex traders have their proven Forex trading strategies and systems to call and manage their trades, they know there is one more important thing to do: focus on improving themselves.

Because the trader is the ultimate resource that can act to produce the desired trading results, he or she must ensure this resource is primed and efficient to perform its best at Forex trading. As such, successful Forex traders pay great attention to the points listed below which elucidate how they go about their Forex pursuit.

Treat Trading Like A Business

Top Forex traders know that trading is a serious business and they accord it such importance by considering key factors that affect all businesses. From the Forex trading perspective, these factors include: writing a Forex trading plan; starting out with an appropriate trading account size; knowing the various costs of trading; sustaining and growing the Forex account; and acquiring the right Forex trading knowledge, skills and equipment.

Keep The Ego In Check

Trading mistakes can arise from emotional responses directly linked to one's ego. A Forex trader that needs to be right will let the ego prevail and inflict ruin to his/her Forex account, always trying to will the market which he/she denies cannot be controlled. Being egoistic also means not acknowledging one's trading mistakes and therefore not learning from them. For example, the ego will egg the Forex trader on to hold a losing trade instead of taking the correct action of cutting loss at the appropriate time.

Be Disciplined In Every Trade

The item that directly affects the Forex trading account bottom line is trading discipline. The serious Forex trader follows his/her trading plan to the letter, and adheres to it as much as humanly possible (Note: even successful traders make mistakes). Trading discipline includes protecting trading capital and sensibly allocating risk per trade; only taking trades that satisfy risk/reward parameters and set up correctly; staying on the sidelines at all other times and not forcing a trade; cutting losses quickly via pre-determined stop loss levels; letting a good trade ride but protecting a winner from turning into a loser. In essence, being disciplined allows the successful Forex trader to show profits consistently and rein in losses should any trading period turn out to be a rough ride.

Protect Trading Capital

The serious Forex trader treats his/her trading money very seriously, as it is what enables trading to be done. Additionally, it is also the objective of Forex trading: make winning trades to grow the money. Thus, the successful Forex trader will guard his/her capital zealously, ensuring that risk per trade is controlled so that losers only erode the Forex account, not chew a hole in it. This assures the Forex trader that his/her Forex business can continue, today, tomorrow and into the future.

Don't Marry Your Trades

The serious Forex trader knows that a single trade alone does not determine his/her trading success. He/she is fully aware that any trade could turn out to be a loser and therefore is conscious in removing any emotional attachment to every trade. While staying disciplined entails waiting for the good trade entries, this wait and eventual trade entry do not compel the successful trader to think that he/she must be right in taking that trade. As such, should the market go against the trader and he/she sees prices approaching the stop loss level, the trader fully accepts that losing is a real possibility and does not rationalize further. Contrast this behavior to a novice trader who will often be tempted to move the stop loss further out so as to let the trade have "more room" -- such a trader feels the need to be right and doesn't know how to walk away from a loser.

Be Realistic, Practical And Persevere

Being realistic is what separates the men from the boys when it comes to Forex trading. The successful Forex trader does not have a get-rich-quick mentality and knows it is hard work; thus he/she treats trading as a business and has the mental fortitude to stay in the game for as long as it takes. Perseverance is a key asset, reinforced by the necessary trading discipline imposed in the trading plan and the personal belief that it is possible to succeed in Forex trading. At the same time, the serious Forex trader knows he/she is psychologically guided by his upbringing, attitudes and experiences regarding money and success, but is practical by admitting these limitations and working to break such self-defeating barriers. Pursuing the right Forex education and learning from other successful traders are good solutions to the problem.

Know Yourself And Let Others Help You

The successful Forex trader knows his/her strengths and weaknesses when it comes to trading, and is not shy to ask for help. While knowing there is no shortcut to success, the trader will often pursue education from the best mentors so as to acquire the right knowledge and learn the right skills essential to their progress towards successful Forex trading. As part of the trading plan, the serious Forex trader keeps a trading journal and reviews this daily to learn from past mistakes and internalize winning trade executions. The trading journal can also be used by the mentor to help the Forex trader make specific and personal improvements.

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